Your participation in clinical trials will help to advance medical research, help find new treatments and medications, and help us learn more information about eye conditions.

Qualified participants will receive compensation for time and travel and receive access to study related care and medications at no cost.

Browse our ongoing studies and apply to see if you qualify.


Application for research studies

Apply below to see if you qualify.

Research Form

    • Your Full Legal Name
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Currently Enrolling Studies

Dry Eye Research Study

Chronic dry eye Symptoms

Dry Eye Research Study

If you have symptoms of dry eyes and are currently using over the counter lubricating eyedrops, we invite you to participate in a dry eye research study.

The study involves 6 office visits over 12 weeks. Qualified participants may be compensated for your time and travel.

Glaucoma Research Study

Do you have glaucoma or high eye pressure?

Glaucoma Research Study

If you have previously been diagnosed with glaucoma or increased eye pressure and are at least 18 years of age, we invite you to participate.

The study involves 12 office visits over the course of 12 months. You may be compensated for your time and travel.

Cataract Research Study

Do you have a cataract in one or both eyes?

Cataract Research Study

If you have cataracts and are planning on having cataract surgery, you may qualify for an investigational eyedrop study.