Glaucoma: The Silent Vision Thief – See How You Can Protect Yourself

After cataracts, glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness. One of the most daunting aspects of glaucoma is the fact that most people do not realize that they have this problem until the pressure that has increased in the eye has already caused irreparable damage. While there are no definite ways to prevent glaucoma, there are ways you can reduce your risk.


Incorporating a light to moderate exercise regimen into your daily routine can improve your health in numerous ways, and can reduce your risk of developing glaucoma. Studies have shown that taking a brisk walk, or jogging, at least several times a week can lower your intraocular pressure, as well as your blood pressure.

Protective Gear

People who have sustained injuries to the eye are more likely to develop glaucoma in the future. This is why it is important to always where protective eyewear when playing sports or participating in any activities that put your eyes in danger.

Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure often leads to high intraocular pressure as well. Therefore, any steps you can take to lower your blood pressure will be beneficial. One way to lower blood pressure is to lower your insulin levels. This can often be accomplished by limiting sugary foods and grains.

Change Your Diet

Just as there are foods you should avoid, there are also foods that will promote healthy eyesight. Nutrients that are great for the eyes include omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Lutein and zeaxanthin can be found in most dark green leafy vegetables. These vegetables, such as spinach and kale, are rich sources of antioxidants and other excellent nutrients that will promote eye health.

Sun Protection

The sun’s UV rays can damage the eyes in many different ways, and can put you on the path toward glaucoma. Wearing proper eyewear when out in the sun will have long-term positive effects on your overall eye health.

Early Detection

Like with many other medical conditions, early detection is key when it comes to glaucoma. Once the disease has already caused vision loss, there is little chance that you will ever regain this loss. Unfortunately, glaucoma rarely shows any signs or symptoms until it has progressed into more serious stages. This is why it is so important to undergo regular eye exams. Eye exams should increase in frequency, as you get older, as the risk of developing glaucoma increases with age.

For further reading, please visit Eye Conditions: Glaucoma.