Why Today’s Cataract Surgery is Not Like Your Parents’ Surgery: The Good and the Bad

San Antonio cataract surgery has been performed for generations, but the surgical methods have evolved dramatically in just the last 15 years. If you are in the baby boomer generation, the cataract procedures your parents’ would have undergone, and the treatments available to you now, are worlds apart. The advancements in surgeries and techniques have been remarkable.

Not very long ago, cataract surgeries were associated with overnight stays at the hospital and lengthy at home recoveries. These were fairly serious procedures that required general anesthesia and posed significant risks to the patients. For a very long time, the patient would also have to wait until the cataract had grown to the point where it was obstructing much of their vision before it could be removed. Today, this surgery provides a completely different experience.

Advancements in Cataract Surgery Today

Now, eye surgeons try to identify the earliest possible formations of cataracts in order to begin addressing the problem as soon as possible. No longer are cataract surgeries major and complex operations. In most cases, patients do not need to be hospitalized overnight, and can recover so quickly that they can be back to work in as little as two weeks. These procedures have now become one of the most common and successful forms of eye surgery.

Cataract surgeries, as well as many other vision correction surgeries, have become much less invasive over time. Now, surgeons can implement techniques such as microscopic incisions, and ultrasound emulsification to extract the lens, leading to a much reduced healing time. Basically, the surgeon uses the ultrasound impulses to break the cataract into smaller pieces, and the cataract is removed using a very minimal incision.

These eye surgeries have not only become less invasive, but they have also become increasingly personalized due to the insertion of intraocular lenses. During cataract surgery, a new lens is inserted into the eye, which will not only eliminate cataracts, but will also address the individual’s personal vision problems, leading to improved eyesight after surgery.

Things to Consider Before Undergoing Cataract Surgery

While cataract surgery has improved dramatically over the last few decades, there are still risk factors present. Some patients that undergo these surgeries will experience irritation and discomfort afterward, but these symptoms will generally disappear with time. In fewer incidences, patients may find that they still need the help of contact lenses or glasses, or additional procedures, after the cataract surgery.